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The Drawbacks To Eating Fruits

Belajar kejururawatan di Malaysia – Fruits and vegetables are nutrient-dense, filling, and healthy because of their high fiber content and low-calorie count. However, some people have a hard time incorporating enough fresh fruit into their diets. There are a few drawbacks to regularly consuming huge quantities of fruit. It can induce a sugar imbalance, irritate a delicate digestive system, and even spread bacteria-related infections.


There are a lot of unpleasant signs and symptoms that can accompany indigestion. Indigestion is a common cause of uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, stomach discomfort, heartburn, and nausea. Drinking too much alcohol, having a digestive system condition like GERD or ulcers, or both can increase your risk of indigestion. Indigestion can be a symptom of stress and worry for some people. 

Eating fresh fruits when you already have a sensitive stomach can make things worse. When your digestive system is out of whack, eating an orange, apple, or grapefruit can trigger burning feelings in your stomach, bloating that makes you feel full, stomach growling, and diarrhea. According to, consuming high-fiber fruits all at once can lead to gastrointestinal distress.


Fruits come into contact with several germs from various environments. Water, soil, and the elements can all contribute to the spread of bacteria like E. coli, listeria, and salmonella on fruit. Many fruits have thick, inedible skin that keeps bacteria out of the fruit itself, but if the skin is damaged, the bacteria can easily enter the fruit and make you sick. It’s more likely that you’ll end up getting sick from eating the skin. 

Strawberries, grapes, apples, peaches, and tomatoes, all of which have softer skins, are ideal hosts for numerous disease-causing bacteria. Fruit is more likely to cause illness since it is consumed raw, rather than being heated and cooked, which can destroy microorganisms. The University of California reports that, while washing fruit lessens the chance of getting sick, it does not always remove all the bacteria.

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Only around one in ten Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, consumes an adequate amount of fruit on a daily basis. Incorporating more fresh fruit into your diet has been linked to a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and several forms of cancer. Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, phytochemicals, and folate can all be found in fruit. 

The availability and affordability of fresh fruit are both issues that many people face. Although canned or frozen fruit can be used as a substitute, they typically include extra chemicals that nullify the health benefits of eating the fruit themselves. Fruit loses much of its vitamin C and nutritional content when frozen, according to a report by The Food Processing Center. It is a goal of many states, local, and federal government organizations, as well as nonprofit community groups and educational leaders, to promote access to fruit for all citizens.

Sugar Imbalance

Fruit is widely acknowledged to have health benefits, but eating too much of it can be dangerous, especially for people with diabetes or other blood sugar issues. You should keep an eye on your carbohydrate intake, including fruit if you want to keep your blood sugar levels stable. 

If you have diabetes, you should eat no more than 15 grams of carbohydrates per serving of fruit, as recommended by the American Diabetes Association. You can eat half a banana or about 114 cups of whole strawberries to meet that requirement. In addition, you can eat half a cup of diced mango or three-quarters of a cup of diced pineapple.